
Abby Clark

As a writer who loves to get inside people's heads (to an almost unhealthy degree), I've got a natural inclination towards ideas that get to the heart of what makes people tick.

I’ve worked on everything from one to one to ATL in agency, across sectors like banking, government and NFP.

I’m an excellent team player (so much so that the Account Managers always fight to have me on their jobs) and a great collaborator to solve complex problems and balance the needs of multiple stakeholders.

Take a look through my work and reach out if you like what you see.

Key Qualifications

AWARD School

UTS Bachelor of Communications
  Double major in Digital and Social Media and Public Communication


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Art Direction
Content Creation
Branding & Identity
Social Media
Web Design
Graphic Design

A couple of good eggs

Hello again! Can't get enough? Well it just got twice as good.

Laura and Abby are a pair of creatives with an appetite for big thinking, strategic campaigns and, most importantly, eggs.

They’ve debunked the deadline of adulthood for young people across Australia and turned complex technological offerings into a simple human choice.

They’ve worked in high-stakes environments in partnership with senior leaders, clients and other key stakeholders to solve nuanced problems with flexible thinking. In fact, they’re so adaptable that their hair doesn’t stay the same for longer than six months.

But don’t worry about being catfished - you’ll know it’s them because they’re always ready to get stuck in and have a laugh or two along the way.

So, if you want to have a chat, get in touch, just don't ask why we are holding books, we don't know either.

Art Direction
Content Creation
Branding & Identity
Social Media
Web Design
Graphic Design
Art Direction
Content Creation
Branding & Identity
Web Design
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