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Creative Advertising

Amex Offers


About 75% of American Express card members weren’t using Amex Offers, missing out on a key benefit of card membership and making them less engaged with the brand as a whole. With low awareness and understanding of the offers platform, American Express needed to be able to excite and educate their card members.

Our proposition: It’s what you signed up for.

Concept 1: Everyday, elevated

With costs of living rising and inflation on the horizon, this concept positioned Amex Offers as a way to help you afford the little luxuries that make life that much better.

Concept 2: Make everyday spending exciting

Everyday purchases are undeniably boring. But with the opportunity to get some money back on them, they become an avenue of opportunity. 

Chosen concept: Offers on tap

We leant into the excitement of activating offers in the copy while showing card members exactly how to do it in the visuals

Proof of chosen concept to show its potential in social

**Some aspects of this project may be subject to confidentially agreements. Further details and my role in them are available upon request.**
So mysterious right... Is she playing hard to get? Trying not to get sued? who knows... contact me to find out more :)